
Python 3 module for copyright checks in ROS 2 ament packages

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. This package provides the Python 3 module that adds copyright check support to ament.


tox plugin to run tests in current Python environment

The Python ecosystem now has formal specifications for many pieces of package metadata like versions or dependencies. However, there is no standardization yet for declaring test dependencies or running tests. The most popular de-facto standard for that today is tox, and expecting a future standard to evolve from tox.ini. This plugin to use tox's dependency lists and testing commands for environments other than Python venvs.


PostgreSQL logical decoding JSON output plugin

wal2json is an output plugin for PostgreSQL's logical decoding. The plugin has access to tuples produced by INSERT and UPDATE. Also, UPDATE/DELETE old row versions can be accessed depending on the configured replica identity. Changes can be consumed using the streaming protocol (logical replication slots) or by a special SQL API.


CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (cppcheck)

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.


prometheus alerts for the ceph dashboard

Ceph is a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system that runs on commodity hardware and delivers object, block and file system storage.


cephadm orchestrator module for ceph-mgr

Ceph is a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system that runs on commodity hardware and delivers object, block and file system storage.