
QGIS - shared core library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


Prometheus exporter for MySQL Router (program)

MySQLRouter Exporter is a Prometheus exporter tool designed to collect and expose metrics from MySQL databases through the MySQL router REST API. For more information on exporters see


Create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded

sphinx-notfound-page is a Sphinx extension to create custom 404 pages and help you to generate proper resource links (js, css, images, etc) to render the page properly.


bindings for socket services in Ada: shared library

This package provides a binding for socket services to be used with GNAT (the GNU Ada compiler). One can use it to write clients and servers that will talk with programs written in Ada or any other programming language.


CommonMark GitHub flavor gfm extension library

cmark-gfm is the GitHub flavor of the cmark C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. This package provides the required gfm extension library


gnuradio channels functions

Some channel oriented processing blocks. These functions are also in gnuradio-core. Part of the main gnuradio build.