
ACE network service implementations - libraries

ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization.


ACE scheduling and dispatching library

Kokyu is a library designed to provide flexible scheduling and dispatching services.


ACE-GUI reactor integration for Xt

Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events.


Libwebsockets module for the Kamailio SIP server

Kamailio is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server. Written entirely in C, Kamailio can handle thousands calls per second even on low-budget hardware.


ACE XML utility classes and methods

This package provides useful classes and methods for XML parsing with Xerces, including simplified strings, schema resolution, validation and more.


ACE transactional multicast library

The TMCast library is a transactional multicast protocol implementation.