
Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (curses backend)

bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input.


Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu

bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input.


zero-copy inter-process communication POSH RouDi library

Iceoryx is an inter-process communication (IPC) middleware for POSIX based operating systems. It features shared memory capabilities which allow a true zero-copy data transfer.


Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (runtime library)

bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input.


C++ Performance Portability Programming

This implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use CUDA, HPX, OpenMP and Pthreads as backend programming models with several other backends in development.


node-react plugin for eslint

node-react is a library for building JavaScript user interfaces.