
GUI: gtk2, software render

Software rendering on gtk2, using the gdk API.


Networking plugins for accessing remote resources.

Support library plugin for 'cloud' footprint/symbol access plugin that integrates remote, web access resources like edakrill or


Fast container image distribution plugin with lazy pulling (program)

Pulling image is one of the time-consuming steps in the container lifecycle. Stargz Snapshotter is an implementation of snapshotter which aims to solve this problem by lazy pulling. Lazy pulling here means a container can run without waiting for the pull completion of the image and necessary chunks of the image are fetched on-demand.


Data URL Schemes in Golang (program)

This package parses and generates Data URL Schemes for the Go language, according to RFC 2397 (


Ringdove 2D CAD library framework

librnd is a modular framework library for 2D CAD applications. It provides the following built-in features: - hierarchic configuration files - flexible menu and hotkey system - HID API for CLI/GUI frontend - multi-layer rendering support - interactive drawing tool infrastructure - action infrastructure - polygon clipping - turing complete user scripting


Tools for Eclipse reservoir simulation files -- utility programs

The Open Porous Media (OPM) software suite provides libraries and tools for modeling and simulation of porous media processes, especially for simulating CO2 sequestration and improved and enhanced oil recovery.