
Java bindings for the computer vision library

This package contains Java bindings for the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library.


computer vision shape descriptors and matchers library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) shape descriptors and matchers runtime libraries.


computer vision Video I/O library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Video I/O runtime libraries.


Fast and neat VNC server library (shared library)

Neatvnc is a liberally licensed VNC server library that's intended to be fast and neat. It comes with the goal of speed, clean interface and interoperability with the ecosystem.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


Convert free format text file into scientific data formats

Search and export numerics from any text/ascii file. Data sets (scalar, vector, matrix) are given unique names, based on file content. Results can be generated for e.g. Matlab, YAML, IDL, Scilab, Octave, XML, HTML, and NeXus/HDF5.