Async Python library for interfacing with OurGroceries API
This library provides a means to interact with the OurGroceries API, allowing
for management of grocery lists programmatically. Designed for asynchronous
operations, it supports functionalities like logging in, retrieving, creating,
and modifying grocery lists and their items. Additionally, users can manage
categories within the lists, cross off items, and handle list deletions.
QGIS - shared analysis library
QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and
display databases of geographic information.
QGIS - shared gui library
QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and
display databases of geographic information.
Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files
It contains:
- highlevel easy-to-use interfaces,
- rosbag2 reader and writer,
- rosbag1 reader and writer,
- extensible type system with serializers and deserializers,
- efficient converter between rosbag1 and rosbag2,
- and more.
Rosbags does not have any dependencies on the ROS software stacks and can be
used on its own or alongside ROS1 or ROS2
high level, general purpose Java cryptographic library
General-purpose Java cryptograhic library, which complements the Bouncy
Castle libraries, that has the following design goals:
RDF graph CLI tool and SPARQL HTTP server
Oxigraph CLI is a graph database
implementing the SPARQL standard.
It is packaged as a command-line tool
allowing to manipulate RDF files and query them using SPARQL,
and also allows to spawn a HTTP server on top of the database.