
Object mapper from GObjects to SQLite

Gom provides an object mapper from GObjects to SQLite. It helps you write applications that need to store structured data as well as make complex queries upon that data.


fast version of fnv1a

This package provides a Python library which is a fast version of fnv1a. It use a CPP implementation of fnv1a (32) if cython is available, and will fallback to pure python from the fnvhash package if it is not.


Asyncio client for the Awair GraphQL and Local APIs

An asyncio-based library for accessing parts of Awair's REST API. It supports listing devices, retrieving user information, and querying various sensor data over different timeframes. The package adopts an object-oriented approach to data handling and querying. Note that the Device API, Organization API, and device management functionalities are not supported.


Library for deferred execution

Dex is a library supporting "Deferred Execution" with the explicit goal of integrating with GNOME and GTK-based applications. It provides primatives for supporting futures in a variety of ways with both read-only and writable views. Additionally, integration with existing asynchronous-based APIs is provided through the use of wrapper promises.


Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps

Library that provides tools for classifying geographic data on maps. It allows you to divide a spatial dataset into different classes or ranges, making it easier to visualize and analyze this data on maps.


Text-based, cross-platform Keyboard Layout Maker

Kalamine is capable of generating *.xkb_symbols files (root) and *.xkb_keymap files (user) from keyboard layouts stored in a text format. The layouts can both be used in and Wayland graphical environments.