
File reader for Agilent Resolutions Pro FT-IR images

Python library for reading FT-IR imaging datasets created by Resolutions Pro on Agilent Cary instruments with FPA area detectors.


PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++, without dependencies (utility)

PNG is a file format to store raster images losslessly with good compression, supporting different color types and alpha channel.


Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres

Supports exact and approximate nearest neighbor search for L2 distance, inner product, and cosine distance.


High-availability support for PostgreSQL logical replication

This extension is for anyone with Logical Replication Slots on Postgres databases that are also part of a Physical Streaming Replication architecture.


Precise fractional arithmetic for PostgreSQL

pg_rational implements precise fractional arithmetic for PostgreSQL. Perfect for exact arithmetic or user-specified table row ordering. Holds values as big as an integer, with matching precision in the denominator.


RRULE data type for PostgreSQL

pg-rrule can expand recurrence rules (RRULE) as defined in the iCalendar specification (RFC 5545). It allows expanding RRULEs into concrete occurences as timestamps, which can then be queried against.