language specific text analyzers (runtime)
CLucene is a C++ port of the popular Apache Lucene search engine
( It is released under LGPL or the Apache
Session Manager for Audio Software
Ray Session is a GNU/Linux session manager for audio programs as Ardour,
Carla, QTractor, Non-Timeline, etc...
cli for managing servers over the Redfish API
The Redfish Utility is a command line interface that allows one to manage
servers that take advantage of Redfish APIs. In addition to using the utility
manually to execute individual commands, you can create scripts to automate
Utility library for evolution data servers
The data server, called "Evolution Data Server" is responsible for managing
calendar and addressbook information.
GNU R package which runs R code present in a pandoc markdown
file and includes the resulting output in the resulting markdown file. This
file can then be converted into any of the output formats supported by pandoc.
The package can also be used as an engine for writing package vignettes.
C++ library to solve some geodesic problems -- library
GeographicLib is a small set of C++ classes for converting between
geographic, UTM, UPS, MGRS, geocentric, and local cartesian coordinates,
for geoid calculations, and for computing geodesic. It is a suitable
replacement for the core functionality provided by NGA Geotrans.