
"Son of the Black-Eye" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.16)

This package contains the "Son of the Black-Eye" campaign for Wesnoth: "Your father Karun Black-Eye was the greatest orcish leader that ever lived. Now, as his son, it's up to you to thwart the selfish designs of the humans who have broken the old agreements with the orcs and are bent upon taking your lands. Unite the warring orcish tribes, bring together the Orcish Council and call up the Great Horde to send the human-worms and their wose-born allies to the land of the dead!" (Expert level, 18 scenarios.)


display typographical ligatures in major modes

This package converts graphemes (characters) present in major modes of your choice to the stylistic ligatures present in your frame's font. It though only works with Debian's emacs-gtk package.


Menu library for budgie-desktop

Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance. It provides a traditional desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GVC and gnome-settings-daemon.


Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data

Originating from the networkmodule in PySAL, the package provides specialized networking functionality that easily integrates with the rest of PySAL.


plugin for OBS Studio to make sources black and white or sepia

This plugin provides a filter that adds the ability for sources to be black and white or sepia. This is useful to create vintage effects over photos, movies, webcam images, etc.


FTP client library for Node.js

node-basic-ftp is an FTP client library for Node.js. It supports FTPS over TLS, Passive Mode over IPv6, has a Promise-based API, and offers methods to operate on whole directories.