tool for selecting blends for installation on Debian systems
This package provides 'blendsel', a simple interface for users who
want to install one of the Debian pure blends.
APC User Cache for PHP
The APCu is userland caching: APC (Alternative PHP Cache) stripped of
opcode caching after the deployment of Zend OpCache in PHP 5.5 as the
primary solution to opcode caching in future versions of PHP.
AMQP extension for PHP
This extension can communicate with any AMQP spec 0-9-1 compatible
server, such as RabbitMQ, OpenAMQP and Qpid, giving you the ability
to create and delete exchanges and queues, as well as publish to any
exchange and consume from any queue.
TANGO distributed control system - shared library
TANGO is an object-oriented distributed control system using CORBA. In
TANGO all objects are representations of devices, which can be on the
same computer or distributed over a network. Communication between
devices uses CORBA and can be synchronous, asynchronous or event driven.
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc 3.22 libraries (complex numbers)
SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.
Python 3 bindings for 64-bit SLEPc 3.22 libraries (real numbers)
SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.