
build hierarchies of algebraic structures in Coq (runtime files)

This software provides high-level commands to build hierarchies of algebraic structures in the Coq system.
TOTP Authenticator application


TOTP Authenticator application

A Gnome Authenticator clone. This generates 2fa tokens based on secrets installed. It registers as uri-handler for otpauth:// urls so they can be added from Megapixels.


useful Javascript decorators

Decorators help simplify code by replacing the noise of common patterns with declarative annotations.


lazily initialise Object::Pad slots at first read

Object::Pad::SlotAttr::LazyInit provides a third-party slot attribute for Object::Pad-based classes, which declares that the slot it is attached to has a lazy initialisation method, which will be called the first time the slot's value is read from.


Enhanced Deflate compression algorithm

The "inflate64" is a Python package to provide "Deflater" and "Inflater" class to compress and decompress with Enhanced Deflate compression algorithm.


library for scientific graphs (Qt interface for windows)

A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.