
command line kpackage tool

KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets.


KPlotting provides classes to do plotting

KPlotWidget is a QWidget-derived class that provides a virtual base class for easy data-plotting. The idea behind KPlotWidget is that you only have to specify information in "data units"; i.e., the natural units of the data being plotted. KPlotWidget automatically converts everything to screen pixel units.


Advanced plugin and service introspection

Application framework for file type association and plugin locating.


library used for text processing

The goal of KTextTemplate is to make it easier for application developers to separate the structure of documents from the data they contain, opening the door for theming and advanced generation of other text such as code.


Support for unit conversion

Library to help applications in doing conversions of values in different measure units.


user feedback for applications - executables

Framework for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys.