
OAuth 1.0a request authorization

OAuth 1.0a request authorization for Node and browser. Encapsulates OAuth request sending with an HTTP client (request, jQuery.ajax and so on).


Run the supplied Node.js function exactly once

Call the supplied function exactly one time. This prevents double callback execution. This module can be used on both Node.js, React-Native, or browsers using Browserify.


Base streams for the Winston logging framework for Node.js

The base TransportStream implementation for Winston. Use these to write ecosystem Transports for Winston in your Node.js programs.


runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


propagate events from one event emitter into another

Node.js package performing the propagation of events from one event emitter into another.


Mailing list style code reviews for GitHub

prr is a tool that brings mailing list style code reviews to Github PRs. This means offline reviews and inline comments, more or less.