
IP geolocation query library (CLI utilities)

libloc is a lightweight library to query the IPFire Location database and determine the location of someone else on the Internet based on their IP address.


Parse and lookup IP network blocks

The Netmask class parses and understands IPv4 CIDR blocks so they can be explored and compared.


Lomiri Connectivity Qt API

Lomiri Connectivity API - Qt bindings.


Systems settings menu service - Network indicator

The Lomiri-indicator-network service is responsible for exporting the system settings menu through D-Bus.


tiny Prometheus client with a shared database behind it

Prometheus::Tiny::Shared is a wrapper around Prometheus::Tiny that instead of storing metrics data in a hashtable, stores them in a shared datastore (provided by Hash::SharedMem, though this may change in the future). This lets you keep a single set of metrics in a multithreaded app.


Lomiri Connectivity API QML Components

Lomiri Connectivity API - QML bindings.