
Python 3 module for cppcheck support in ROS 2 ament packages

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. This package provides the Python 3 module that adds cppcheck linter support to ament.


GNU Common Lisp compiler

GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C.


GNU Common Lisp compiler

GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C.


easy throttling with asyncio support for Python3

Zero-dependency Python package for easy throttling with asyncio support.


lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit for Python3

This package is still a work in progress and aims to bundle those utilities in a standardised way so they can be shared across several other projects like for instance spaCy. It's super lightweight, has zero dependencies.


GNU Common Lisp compiler

GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C.