
Security Information and Events Management System [ C++ library ]

The PreludeDB Library provides an abstraction layer upon the type and the format of the database used to store IDMEF alerts. It allows developers to use the Prelude IDMEF database easily and efficiently without worrying about SQL, and to access the database independently of the type/format of the database.


network connection establishment library for Lwt (runtime)

The conduit library takes care of establishing and listening for TCP and SSL/TLS connections for the Lwt and Async libraries.


network connection establishment library for OCaml (runtime)

The conduit library takes care of establishing and listening for TCP and SSL/TLS connections for the Lwt and Async libraries.


Qt 6 Quick 3D Particles library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


fitting power-law distributions to empirical data -- interfaces

The plfit software fits power-law distributions to empirical (discrete or continuous) data, according to the method of Clauset, Shalizi and Newman [SIAM Review 51, 661-703 (2009)].


C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL

C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL database back-end. The database back-end can be local or it may be on another machine, accessed via TCP/IP. This package obsoletes the libpqpp package.