New FFI-based Lua API for NGINX Lua module
This pure Lua library reimplements part of the ngx_lua module's Nginx API
for Lua with LuaJIT FFI and installs the new FFI-based Lua API
into the ngx.* and ndk.* namespaces used by the ngx_lua module. In addition,
this Lua library implements any significant new Lua APIs of the ngx_lua module
as proper Lua modules, like ngx.semaphore and ngx.balancer. The FFI-based
Lua API can work with LuaJIT's JIT compiler. ngx_lua's default API is based on
the standard Lua C API, which will never be JIT compiled and the user Lua code
is always interpreted (slowly).
evented I/O for V8 javascript - runtime library
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run
across distributed devices.
Parallel Presolve for Integer and Linear Optimization (LUSOL library)
PaPILO, a C++14-based software package, provides parallel presolve routines
for (mixed integer) linear programming problems. The routines are implemented
using templates which allows switching to higher precision or rational
arithmetic using the boost multiprecision package.
Parallel Presolve for Integer and Linear Optimization (core library)
PaPILO, a C++14-based software package, provides parallel presolve routines
for (mixed integer) linear programming problems. The routines are implemented
using templates which allows switching to higher precision or rational
arithmetic using the boost multiprecision package.
JVMCI-enabled SDK for building graalvm
This package provides a JVMCI-enabled GraalVM builder Java SDK.
binary file interface for Pd
[binfile] allows one to read/write binary files from within Pure Data