
Smart Card Coolkey applet

Protocol library for Coolkey applications.


Library for Comedi

Comedilib is a library for using Comedi, a driver interface for data acquisition hardware. Comedi supports a wide variety of ISA and PCI devices that contain analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, digital input/output, counters and timers. The full list of support devices can be found in the libcomedi-dev documentation.


wayland layer shell protocol library (GTK4) -- GObject introspection data

A library for using the Layer Shell Wayland protocol with GTK4. With this library you can build desktop shell components such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. It's compatible with C, C++ and any language that supports GObject introspection files (Python, Vala, etc).


COIN-OR mixed integer programming

Bonmin (Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming) is an open-source code for solving general MINLP (Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming) problems.


C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library

Minimal perfect hash functions are widely used for memory efficient storage and fast retrieval of items from static sets, such as words in natural languages, reserved words in programming languages or interactive systems, universal resource locations (URLs) in Web search engines, or item sets in data mining techniques.


Media Player App for Lomiri Operating Environment

This app is a core app for Ubuntu Touch's shell Lomiri. Ubuntu Touch is a mobile OS developed by the UBports Foundation. Lomiri is its operating environment optimized for touch based human-machine interaction, but also supports convergence (i.e. switching between tablet/phone and desktop mode).