
GNU R Interface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' Engine

An 'R' interface to the 'QuickJS' portable 'JavaScript' engine. The engine is bundled entirely within the package, requiring no external system dependencies beyond a 'C' compiler.


libdnf - shared library

A library providing simplified C and Python APIs to libsolv.


registers global key bindings for applications

keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts to be used by GTK-based applications under the X Window System.


llibrary to access Windows 9x/Me Registry files

libcreg is a library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File (CREG) format.


General purpose cryptographic library - shared library

General purpose cryptographic library for C++.


Client library for the Network Data Access Protocol

OPeNDAP provides software that allows you to access data over the internet, from programs that weren't originally designed for that purpose, as well as some that were. While OPeNDAP is the original developer of the Data Access protocol which its software uses, many other groups have adopted DAP and provide compatible clients, servers and software development kits.