
Additional list-type data models for QML apps

This package adds 2 C++ data models to the qml back end, for use by QML applications.


Modular version of core-js to load only required features

core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. Includes polyfills for ECMAScript up to 2021: promises, symbols, collections, iterators, typed arrays, many other features, ECMAScript proposals. With core-js-bundle, one can load only required features or use it without global namespace pollution.


YANG-based configuration and operational state data store [C library]

Applications can use sysrepo to store their configuration modeled by provided YANG model instead of using e.g. flat configuration files. Sysrepo will ensure data consistency of the data stored in the datastore and enforce data constraints defined by YANG model.


library for validating mail senders with SPF

libspf2 implements the Sender Policy Framework, a part of the SPF/SRS protocol pair. libspf2 is a library which allows email systems such as Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Zmailer and MS Exchange to check SPF records and make sure that the email is authorized by the domain name that it is coming from. This prevents email forgery, commonly used by spammers, scammers and email viruses/worms.


Rewrite of Python's builtin doctest module with AST instead of REGEX

What is a doctest? It is example code you write in a docstring! What is a docstring? Its a string you use as a comment! They get attached to Python functions and classes as metadata. They are often used to auto-generate documentation. Why is it cool? Because you can write tests while you code!


cross-platform, general-purpose programming language

Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and the JVM version of its standard library depends on the Java Class Library, but type inference allows its syntax to be more concise.