
core set of Blueprint, a React UI toolkit

Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web. This package contains: * the core set of UI components as CSS and React code * a collection of React components and other files for displayng icons (@blueprintjs/icons) * color variables for Blueprint's color palette (@blueprintjs/colors)


next versions of Popover and Tooltip components

Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web. node-blueprintjs-popover2 provides the next versions of Popover and Tooltip components.


React components related to selecting items from a list

Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web. node-blueprintjs-select provides React components related to selecting items from a list: * Select for selecting items in a list. * Suggest for selecting items in a list, from a text input. * MultiSelect for selecting multiple items in a list. * Omnibar, a macOS spotlight-style typeahead component. * QueryList, a higher-order component that provides interactions between a query string and a list of items.


library for massively parallel optimisation (shared library)

pagmo is a C++ scientific library built around the idea of providing an unified interface to optimization algorithms and to optimization problems and to make their deployment in massively parallel environments easy.


Access zip file content hosted remotely without downloading the full file

This module provides a way to access single members of a zip file archive without downloading the full content from a remote web server. For this library to work, the web server hosting the archive needs to support the range header.


Library to access AppStream services

AppStream is a metadata specification which permits software components to provide information about themselves to automated systems and end-users before the software is actually installed. This permits informative displays of new applications to users in software centers, as well as allowing a system to make decisions on which new software a user might want to install (e.g. missing firmware or media handlers).