
Applies STAT information from a Stylespace to a variable font

statmake takes a user-written Stylespace that defines OpenType STAT information for an entire font family and then (potentially subsets and) applies it to a specific variable font. This spares users from having to deal with raw TTX dumps and juggling with nameIDs.


library for cryptographic attestation of patches

This module provides capabilities for cryptographic attestation of patches for projects that use a patch-based workflow over email.


ordered set implementation for Python 3

Pure Python implementation of an ordered set: a mutable set which keeps the order of insertion of its elements.


best-effort portable code walker for Common Lisp

Agnostic Lizard is a portable implementation of a code walker, and in particular of the macroexpand-all function (and macro), which makes a best-effort to be correct, while not expecting much beyond what the Common Lisp standard requires.


JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK

JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL).


Earth Observation System extensions to HDF5

HDF-EOS5 is a software library designed built on HDF5 to support EOS-specific data structures, namely Grid, Point, and Swath. The new data structures are constructed from standard HDF data objects, using EOS conventions, through the use of a software library [1,4]. A key feature of HDF-EOS files is that instrument-independent services, such as subsetting by geolocation, can be applied to the files across a wide variety of data products. The library is extensible and new data structures can be added.