
Library to play Commodore 64 music based on libsidplay2

libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2 born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better.


Library to display STIL information on Commodore 64 music

SID Tune Information List (STIL) display client library for Commodore 64 music files.


mechanism to use real UUIDs in the Test2 suite

Test2::Plugin::UUID is a module that allows the usage of real UUIDs in the Test2 suite.


Run periodic jobs in PostgreSQL

pg_cron is a simple cron-based job scheduler for PostgreSQL (9.5 or higher) that runs inside the database as an extension. It uses the same syntax as regular cron, but it allows you to schedule PostgreSQL commands directly from the database. pg_cron can run multiple jobs in parallel, but it runs at most one instance of a job at a time. If a second run is supposed to start before the first one finishes, then the second run is queued and started as soon as the first run completes.


Tool for exporting data from PCP to Elasticsearch

Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) front-end tool for exporting data from PCP into designated Elasticsearch instances.


Tool for exporting data from PCP to JSON

Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) front-end tool for exporting data from PCP in JSON format.