Modern Audiobook player with GUI
Organizes audiobooks in various formats from multiple locations.
It allows searching the library, remembers playback positions and customize
playback speed.
command line client for managing PPAs in Launchpad
This package provides a command line tool for creating, deleting, and
configuring Personal Package Archives (PPAs). It includes functionality to
wait/block until all packages have built.
Java implementation of the PRECIS Framework
PRECIS validates and prepares Unicode strings in a way, so that they can
safely be used in application protocols, e.g. when dealing with usernames and
Development tools for libcontactcache-qt5
This library acts as a middle layer between the QtPIM QtContacts SQLite engine
and client components and provides a data cache.
MySQL compatibility links to mariadb-server binaries/scripts
The package contains links and binaries that are needed by MySQL centric
tools which also works with MariaDB.
Bazel support for GNU Emacs
This repository provides support for Bazel in GNU Emacs. It consists of
a single file, bazel.el, which only depends on GNU Emacs and not on
other libraries.