
automatic documentation generation tool for JavaScript

node-jsdoc2 is a port of JSDoc2 Toolkit that runs on Node.js.


fast and small AV1 video stream decoder (shared library)

dav1d is an AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) cross-platform decoder and focused on speed and correctness.


Streaming algorithm to estimate cardinality in genomics datasets

As input it takes file(s) in fasta, fastq, sam, or bam formats and computes the total number of distinct k-mers, F0, and also the k-mer coverage frequency histogram, fi, i>=1.


C++ terminal dialog toolkit

The libt3widget library provides a C++ dialog toolkit. It provides objects for dialogs and widgets like buttons, text fields, check boxes etc., to facilitate easy construction of dialog based programs for Un*x terminals.


Qt 6 3D Quick library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


C++ library for computational biology

This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products.