
automatic tempest configuration

python-tempestconf will automatically generate the tempest configuration based on your cloud.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - Google

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - Flickr

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Asynchronous library for interacting with Elmax Cloud services

This library offers a comprehensive way to interact with Elmax Cloud services, focusing on integration with Elmax control panels. It supports operations on domotic systems, including managing and monitoring intrusion detection and home surveillance setups. Users can control various domotic switches and actuators that are linked to Elmax panels. The library communicates with Elmax Cloud via HTTP APIs, providing an efficient method for accessing and managing online panels and their statuses. Users can execute commands on actuators, retrieve statuses, and seamlessly manage their Elmax control panel configurations through this client.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - VKontakte

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Python library for managing AVM Fritz!Box Smart Home devices

This library provides a means to interact with AVM Fritz!Box Smart Home devices, enabling management of switches, sensors, thermostats, and more within the Smart Home environment. It supports communication with various AVM FRITZ!DECT devices such as thermostats and switches, facilitating their integration into home automation setups through the Fritz!Box interface. By retrieving device states like temperature, battery level, and lock status, it allows for comprehensive smart home device management. This tool is useful for improving the home automation capabilities by gathering and setting information for AVM Smart Home devices.