
sequence alignment and analysis tool to process sequencing data

MALT, an acronym for MEGAN alignment tool, is a sequence alignment and analysis tool designed for processing high-throughput sequencing data, especially in the context of metagenomics. It is an extension of MEGAN6, the MEGenome Analyzer and is designed to provide the input for MEGAN6, but can also be used independently of MEGAN6.


VBZ compression plugin for nanopore signal data

VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress nanopore signal data.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


ODE solver with sensistivity analysis (SUNDIALS library)

This package contains the library for ordinary differential equation (ODE) system solver with sensistivity analysis capabilities from SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers). CVODES is a solver for stiff and nonstiff ODE systems (initial value problem) given in explicit form y' = f(t,y,p) with sensitivity analysis capabilities (both forward and adjoint modes).


asynchronous event notification library - runtime library

Libuv is the asynchronous library behind Node.js. Very similar to libevent or libev, it provides the main elements for event driven systems: watching and waiting for availability in a set of sockets, and some other events like timers or asynchronous messages. However, libuv also comes with some other extras like: * files watchers and asynchronous operations * a portable TCP and UDP API, as well as asynchronous DNS resolution * processes and threads management, and a portable inter-process communications mechanism, with pipes and work queues * a plugins mechanism for loading libraries dynamically * interface with external libraries that also need to access the I/O.