
Git Forge CLI

This is a command line tool to interact with various Git forges, such as Gitea, GitLab and Microsoft® GitHub™.


Compiler for Copilot targeting C99; profiling libraries

This package is a back-end from Copilot to C.


Intermediate representation for Copilot.; profiling libraries

Copilot is a stream (i.e., infinite lists) domain-specific language (DSL) in Haskell that compiles into embedded C. Copilot contains an interpreter, multiple back-end compilers, and other verification tools.


Interpreter for Copilot.; profiling libraries

Copilot is a stream (i.e., infinite lists) domain-specific language (DSL) in Haskell that compiles into embedded C. Copilot contains an interpreter, multiple back-end compilers, and other verification tools.


DSL for monitoring hard real-time distributed systems.; profiling libraries

The concrete syntax for Copilot.


Libraries for the Copilot language.; profiling libraries

Copilot is a stream (i.e., infinite lists) domain-specific language (DSL) in Haskell that compiles into embedded C. Copilot contains an interpreter, multiple back-end compilers, and other verification tools.