
HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - plugins metapackage

libheif is an ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF and AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) file format decoder and encoder. There is partial support for ISO/IEC 23008-12:2022 (2nd Edition) capabilities.


module to turn STDOUT and STDERR into Test2 events

Test2::Plugin::IOEvents turns prints to STDOUT and STDERR (including warnings) into proper Test2 events.


Python module for parsing and packing data classes

Construct Classes relies on python3-construct for parsing binary data into data classes and packing data classes into binary data. The programmer needs to manually write the Construct expressions. There is no type verification, so it is the programmer's responsibility that the dataclass and the Construct expression match.


Library to interact with Foscam IP Cameras

This library allows users to interact with Foscam IP Cameras over a network. Users can perform operations such as moving the camera lens, stopping motion, and retrieving IP and port information. Commands can be sent asynchronously, enabling non-blocking operations. Callbacks can also be specified to handle the response of commands, providing flexibility in managing camera interactions.


Nagios plugin check_logfiles

check_logfiles: Plugin for Nagios which scans log files for specific patterns. Features: - Detection of rotations - usually nightly logfiles are rotated and compressed. Each operating system or company has it’s own naming scheme. If this rotation is done between two runs of check_logfiles also the rotated archive has to be scanned to avoid gaps. The most common rotation schemes are predefined but you can describe any strategy (shortly: where and under which name is a logfile archived). - More than one pattern can be defined which again can be classified as warning patterns and critical patterns. - Triggered actions - Usually nagios plugins return just an exit code and a line of text, describing the result of the check. Sometimes, however, you want to run some code during the scan every time you got a hit. Check_logfiles lets you call scripts either after every hit or at the beginning or the end of it’s runtime. - Exceptions - If a pattern matches, the matched line could be a very special case which should not be counted as an error. You can define exception patterns which are more specific versions of your critical/warning patterns. Such a match would then cancel an alert. - Thresholds - You can define the number of matching lines which are necessary to activate an alert. - Protocol - The matching lines can be written to a protocol file the name of which will be included in the plugin’s output. - Macros - Pattern definitions and logfile names may contain macros, which are resolved at runtime. - Performance data - The number of lines scanned and the number of warnings/criticals is output. - Windows - The plugin works with Unix as well as with Windows (e.g. with ActiveState Perl).


efficient integer types on 64-bit architectures (runtime)

This library provides two new integer types, Optint.t and Int63.t, which guarantee efficient representation on 64-bit architectures and provide a best-effort boxed representation on 32-bit architectures.