OpenArena game data - miscellaneous files from 0.8.1
OpenArena is an open-source content package for the Quake III
engine, effectively creating a free stand-alone game similar to
Quake III Arena.
GUI for mapping keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad
AntiMicroX is a graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse
controls to a gamepad. This program is useful for playing PC games
using a gamepad that do not have any form of built-in gamepad support.
However, you can use this program to control any desktop application
(while running an X11 environment) with a gamepad.
Type falling words before they land
A typing practice game for X similar to typespeed and tuxtype.
Words chosen from the system's wordlist fall from the top of
the screen and must be typed correctly to score. In a challenge
stage, random sequences of characters appear instead of words.
Head-to-head networked play is possible with xletters-duel.
data files for AstroMenace game
AstroMenace is an astonishing hardcore scroll-shooter where brave space
warriors may find a great opportunity to hone their combat skills.
Gather money during the battle to spend them on turning your spaceship
into an ultimate weapon of mass destruction and give hell to swarms of
adversaries. Enjoy the wonderfully crafted 3d graphics and high-quality
special effects along with a detailed difficulty adjustment and a handy
interface of AstroMenace.
story file compiler for the Inform interactive fiction language (v6)
Inform is an object-oriented language for text adventure games which
are commonly known as "interactive fiction". The story files are
compiled into a special form of bytecode (Z-code) which can then
be run by Z-code interpreters that exist for a multitude of
operating systems.
GTK application to configure gaming devices
Piper is a graphical user interface to configure gaming devices. Configuration
options include changing the resolution (DPI) of mice, adding and removing
profiles, setting LED colors and changing button behaviors.