
Find data in arbitrary data structures

A simple Perl module that provides three simple subroutines to dive into an arbitrary data structure and extract references to internal data.


Simple utils to parse/build Well Known Text(WKT) format string.

This module can parse/build WKT format string into/from pure Perl data structure. It is simpler than Geo::WKT and does not depend on the Proj library, and even support MULTI(LINE|STRING|POLYGON) objects.


library implementing json-rpc C++ servers

This library provides classes to easily implement JSON-RPC C++ Server applications. It comes with a built in HTTP-Server connector (based on libmicrohttpd) for easy data exchange. It is fully JSON-RPC 2.0 and JSON-RPC 1.0 compatible, including:


library for stub generation of libjsonrpccpp based applications

This package provides the stub generator library for the libjson-rpc-cpp framework. It can automatically generate full functioning C++ and JavaScript JSON-RPC Client classes, which are ready to use.


Support files for Linux 6.6

This package provides support files for the Linux kernel build, e.g. scripts to handle ABI information and for generation of build system meta data.


Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlconvenience

This is a library for use with applications that want to parse, generate and operate on KML, a geo-data XML variant. It is an implementation of the OGC KML 2.2 standard. It is written in C++ and bindings are available via SWIG to Java and Python.