
X event recorder/replayer - library

GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can imitate the job you just did.


print dependency tree of a Rust project using Cargo

This package provides a debstatus subcommand for the Cargo, the Rust package manager.


An extended version of Xaw3d with support for UTF8

Xaw3dxft is an extended version of Xaw3d, developed as part of xpaint with support for UTF8 input and UTF8 encoding of text, and rendering text with the Freetype library and Truetype fonts.


CoHTTP implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt (runtime)

An implementation of an HTTP client and server using the Lwt concurrency library. See the Cohttp_lwt_unix module for information on how to use this. The package also installs cohttp-curl-lwt and a cohttp-server-lwt binaries for quick uses of a HTTP(S) client and server respectively.


OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers (runtime)

Cohttp is an OCaml library for creating HTTP daemons. It has a portable HTTP parser, and implementations using various asynchronous programming libraries.


Cryptograpic library for xrootd

This package contains the xrootd cryptograpic library.