Perl module for persistent session data management
Data::Session is typically used by a CGI script to preserve state data between
runs of the script. This gives the end user the illusion that the script never
factory-style fixtures for DBIx::Class
Ruby has factory_girl, Python has factory_boy. Now Perl has
module to convert HTML documents to PDF
PDF::FromHTML transforms HTML into PDF, using an assortment of XML
transformations implemented in PDF::FromHTML::Twig.
GNOME introspection library for budgie-desktop (raven)
Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on
simplicity and elegance. It provides a traditional desktop metaphor
based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system.
Budgie-Desktop is written from scratch utilising many GNOME based
sub-systems such as GVC and gnome-settings-daemon.
enjoyable loggin' for Python
Logging is fundamental to every application
and eases the process of debugging. Using Loguru user has no excuse
not to use logging from the start, this is as simple as
from loguru import logger.
C library for number theory, shared library
The Fast Library for Integer Number Theory is a C library which supports
polynomial arithmetic over the integers, fast integer arithmetic and factoring
(including a highly optimized quadratic sieve).