security layer for Git repositories (program)
gittuf is a security layer for Git repositories. With gittuf, any
developer who can pull from a Git repository can independently verify
that the repository's security policies were followed. gittuf's policy,
inspired by The Update Framework (TUF) (,
handles key management for all trusted developers in a repository,
allows for setting permissions for repository branches, tags, files,
etc., protects against other attacks
Git is vulnerable to, and more — all while being backwards compatible
with forges such as GitHub and GitLab.
PostgreSQL extension providing first and last aggregate functions
first-last-agg is a simple extension providing two aggregate functions, last
and first, operating on any element type and returning the last or the first
value of the group.
Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
This extension provides additional window functions to PostgreSQL. Some of
them provide SQL Standard functionality but without the SQL Standard grammar,
others extend on the SQL Standard, and still others are novel and hopefully
useful to someone.
Data Plane Development Kit (librte-event-cnxk runtime library)
DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run
in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.
PostgreSQL username/password checks
The credcheck PostgreSQL extension provides few general credential checks,
which will be evaluated during the user creation, during the password change
and user renaming. By using this extension, we can define a set of rules:
report whether PostgreSQL node is master or standby
bgw_replstatus is a tiny PostgreSQL background worker to cheaply report the
replication status of a node. It's intended to be polled by a load balancer
such as haproxy.