GNU D compiler (version 2) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture)
This is the GNU D compiler, which compiles D on platforms supported by gcc.
It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.
finds geolocation on all image urls and directories
ExifLooter finds geolocation on all image urls and directories also integrates
with OpenStreetMap.
Node.js polyfill/shim for the RegExp Match Indices proposal
node-regexp-tree implementation is a replacement for RegExp.prototype.exec
that approximates the behavior of the proposal.
See proposal at
Reed Solomon encoder/decoder library in Python
A pythonic universal errors-and-erasures Reed-Solomon Codec to protect your
data from errors and bitrot. It includes a pure Python implementation and a
speed-optimized Cython/C extension.
enumerate terraces in phylogenetic tree space (shared lib)
Terraphast takes a .nkw file in Newick format and a genes/sites file,
which denotes whether (1) or not (0) gene i is present in species j.
C++ Portable Components (POCO) Util library
The POCO C++ Libraries are a collection of open source C++ class libraries
that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable
applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard
Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it.