
pattern match highlighter

lumin highlights matches to a specified pattern (string or regular expression) in files, using color. This is similar to grep with colorized output, but it outputs all lines in the given files, not only matching lines.


Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) library for Ruby.

Adds support for calculating Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to the Digest module.


Simplify testing of blocks in RSpec via block_is_expected

subject { Integer(nil) }; it('raises') { raise_error(TypeError) }


Adapt Intent Parser (Python 3)

The Adapt Intent Parser is a flexible and extensible intent definition and determination framework. It is intended to parse natural language text into a structured intent (a json object) that can then be invoked programmatically.


Library generating fresh randomness - shared library

librandombytes is a public-domain library providing a simple API for applications generating fresh randomness: include <randombytes.h>, call randombytes(x, xbytes) whenever desired to generate fresh random bytes x[0], x[1], ..., x[xbytes-1], and link with -lrandombytes.


automatic PXE and puppet-master installer for OpenStack - PoC

OCI (OpenStack Cluster Installer) is a software to provision an OpenStack clusters automatically. This package installs a provisioning machine, which uses the below components: * a DHCP server (isc-dhcp-server) * a PXE boot server (tftp-hpa) * a web server (apache2) * a puppet-master