
Evolution MIME message handling library

Camel is a generic messaging library. It supports the standard messaging system for receiving and sending messages. It is the messaging backend for Evolution.


API Documentation for Python Projects

pdoc's main feature is a focus on simplicity: pdoc aims to do one thing and do it well. (1) Documentation is plain Markdown. (2) First-class support for type annotations and all other modern Python 3 features. (3) Builtin web server with live reloading. (4) Customizable HTML templates. (5) Understands numpydoc and Google-style docstrings. (6) Standalone HTML output without additional dependencies.


specification of the MARC21 format as Perl data structures

MARC::Schema defines a set of MARC21 fields and subfields to validate Catmandu::MARC records.


Pure Wayland shell for mobile devices - Plugins

Phosh is a graphical shell for Wayland compositors speaking the layer-surface protocol and aimed at mobile devices like smart phones and tablets using touch based inputs and small screens.


unified and automatic theming for GNU R

This package provides unified and automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' R Graphics Theme 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' graphics based on a few choices, including foreground color, background color, accent color, and font family. Fonts that aren't available on the system, but are available via download on 'Google Fonts', can be automatically downloaded, cached, and registered for use with the 'showtext' and 'ragg' packages.


general-purpose compiled programming language

Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigmed, compiled programming language built using a modern approach to safety, performance, and software design patterns.