
Language support infrastructure for the CodeMirror code editor

CodeMirror is a code editor component for the web. It can be used in websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension.


Library for handling .avif files

This library aims to be a friendly, portable C implementation of the AV1 Image File Format as described in


dynamic libraries for OpenTURNS

OpenTURNS is a powerful and generic tool to treat and quantify uncertainties in numerical simulations in design, optimization and control. It allows both sensitivity and reliability analysis studies: * define the outputs of interest and decision criteria; * quantify and model the source of uncertainties; * propagate uncertainties and/or analyse sensitivity * rank the sources of uncertainty


PostgreSQL background worker that kill random sessions.

pg-rage-terminator is a custom background worker which is able to kill random PostgreSQL backends.


debhelper add-on to handle Puppet modules

dh-puppet provides a debhelper sequence named 'puppet-module' to simplify the packaging of Puppet modules: it helps install a module's files and documentation, provides common postinst and prerm maintainer scripts, and generates control substitution variables for dependencies


Python package to bridge the gap between SASS and Qt-CSS

SASS brings countless amazing features to CSS. Besides being used in web development, CSS is also the way to stylize Qt-based desktop applications. However, Qt's CSS has a few variations that prevent the direct use of SASS compiler.