
LIBrary for CONnection TRAcking

LD_PRELOADing this library enables one to log calls to several network functions.


SVG tags, progress bars & icons for Emacs

This library can be used to generate SVG elements for Emacs user interfaces, including tags, progress bars and icons.


Qt6 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget

QScintilla is a text editor for Qt6 with features especially useful when writing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion, call tips and margins.


userspace out-of-memory (OOM) killer

systemd-oomd is a system service that uses cgroups-v2 and pressure stall information (PSI) to monitor and take action on processes before an OOM occurs in kernel space.


Codec2 runtime library

Next-Generation Digital Voice for Two-Way Radio


Perl module with explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework

Test2::Tools::Explain -- Provides explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework.