
visual servoing platform tt-mi library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) template tracker based on mutual information (tt) runtime library.


Mathematical Components library for Coq (character)

The Mathematical Components Library is an extensive and coherent repository of formalized mathematical theories. It is based on the Coq proof assistant, powered with the Coq/SSReflect language.


Automatic tables of contents for Org files

This package makes it easy to have one or more customizable tables of contents in Org files. They can be updated manually, or automatically when the file is saved. Links to headings are created compatible with GitHub's Org renderer.


minimalist presentation tool for Emacs org-mode

This is meant to be an extremely minimalist presentation tool for Emacs org-mode. Simply layout your presentation with each slide under a top-level header, start the minor mode with 'org-present', and page through each slide with left/right keys.


visual servoing platform tt library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) template tracker (tt) runtime library.


hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (shared library)

This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices.