
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - serialization library

The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) is an extensive, cross-platform, and open source C++ library aimed to help robotics researchers to design and implement algorithms in the fields of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), computer vision, and motion planning (obstacle avoidance).


Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux

Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.


cross-platform library for kernel event notification

libkqueue is a portable userspace implementation of the kqueue(2) kernel event notification mechanism found in FreeBSD and other BSD-based operating systems. The library translates between the kevent structure and the native kernel facilities of the host machine.


Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU (OpenMP CPU backend)

stdgpu is an open-source library providing several generic GPU data structures for fast and reliable data management. Multiple platforms such as CUDA, OpenMP, and HIP are supported allowing you to rapidly write highly complex agnostic and native algorithms that look like sequential CPU code but are executed in parallel on the GPU.


C library for crystal symmetry determination

Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder.


C library for crystal symmetry determination (Fortran interface)

Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder.