
Qt5 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix

libQuotient is a Qt5-based library to make IM clients for the Matrix protocol. It is the backbone of Quaternion, Spectral and some other projects.


Linux kernel specific documentation for version 6.8

This package provides the various README files and HTML documentation for the Linux kernel version 6.8. Plenty of information, including the descriptions of various kernel subsystems, filesystems, driver-specific notes and the like. An index to the documentation is installed as /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-6.8/html/index.html.


Dallas 1-wire support: PHP bindings

The 1-Wire bus is a cheap low-speed bus for devices like weather sensors, access control, etc. It can be attached to your system via serial, USB, I2C, and other interfaces.


Shared libraries for version 3.20 of PETSc

PETSc is the "Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation", a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It employs the MPI standard for all message-passing communication. Several sample scientific applications, as well as various papers and talks, demonstrate the features of the PETSc libraries.


NVIDIA EGL installable client driver (ICD)

EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES.


sorted associative collection for Ruby

A RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with a Red-Black Tree. It maps keys to values like a Hash, but maintains its elements in ascending key order. The interface is the almost identical to that of Hash.