
simple yet opinionated approach to configuration

Define configuration arrays with strict schemas and access values with dot notation.


ACE secure socket layer library

This package contains wrappers that integrate the OpenSSL library in the ACE framework.


ACE transactional multicast library

The TMCast library is a transactional multicast protocol implementation.


ACE SAX based XML parsing library

This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an event-driven parsing approach.


ACE network service implementations - libraries

ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization.


JSON-LD Processor for PHP

JsonLD is a fully conforming JSON-LD processor written in PHP. It is extensively tested and passes the official JSON-LD test suite.