
Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - Google

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - Instagram

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - mCloud

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Lomiri Online Accounts account plugin - Microsoft

The LomiriOnlineAccounts plugin system provides Lomiri applications with online accounts settings via a central setup mechanism in Lomiri System Settings.


Google's Android SDK Build-Tools 27 Installer

This package will download the binary Google Android build tools and create a Debian package. The build tools are used in the process of assembling the java code into the APK package. They can also be useful for inspecting APKs.


Google's Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3 Installer

This package will download the binary Google Android build tools and create a Debian package. The build tools are used in the process of assembling the java code into the APK package. They can also be useful for inspecting APKs.