GNU D compiler (version 2) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture)
This is the GNU D compiler, which compiles D on platforms supported by gcc.
It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.
minimal Wayland login manager
greetd is a minimal and flexible login manager daemon that makes no
assumptions about what you want to launch.
Core fungw library with the API
Fungw is a tiny, portable library written in C (C89) that manages
dynamic function calls across different programming languages.
Scripting support for fungw: python3
Fungw is a tiny, portable library written in C (C89) that manages
dynamic function calls across different programming languages.
Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines
StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous
multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient
computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS
kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of
offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across
the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as
efficiently as possible.
module to manipulate and anaylze tree structured data
DBIx::Class::Tree provides the tools to represent, modify, and analyze trees
of data with DBIx::Class.