Phosh portal backend for xdg-desktop-portal
xdg-desktop-portal-phosh provides a GTK and Adwaita based implementation for
the desktop-agnostic xdg-desktop-portal service. This allows sandboxed
applications to request services from outside the sandbox.
Implementation of the FoLiA document format
FoLiA is an XML-based format for Linguistic Annotation suitable for
representing written language resources such as corpora.
Its goal is to unify a variety of linguistic annotations in one single rich
format, without committing to any particular standard annotation set.
Instead, it seeks to accommodate any desired system or tagset, and so offer
maximum flexibility. This makes FoLiA language independent.
see https://proycon.github.io/folia for more information.
lightweight wrapper to collect execution data for a command
con-duct provides a duct command which is a lightweight wrapper that
collects execution data for an arbitrary command. Execution data
includes execution time, system information, and resource usage
statistics of the command and all its child processes. It is intended
to simplify the problem of recording the resources necessary to
execute a command, particularly in an HPC environment.
OSK completion data packager for Phosh
Data to enable text completion in phosh-osk-stub via presage.