
Python bindings for Qt 6 Test module (Python 3)

pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework.


Python bindings for Qt 6 UiTools module (Python 3)

pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework.


Justbuild generic build system

Justbuild is a generic build system supporting multi-repository builds. A peculiarity of the tool is the separation between global names and physical location on the one hand, and logical paths used for actions and installation on the other hand (sometimes referred to as "staging"). The language-specific information to translate high-level concepts (libraries, binaries) into individual compile action is taken from user-defined rules described by functional expressions.


GNU R sum of single effects linear regression

Implements methods for variable selection in linear regression based on the "Sum of Single Effects" (SuSiE) model, as described in Wang et al (2020) <DOI:10.1101/501114>. These methods provide simple summaries, called "Credible Sets", for accurately quantifying uncertainty in which variables should be selected. The methods are motivated by genetic fine-mapping applications, and are particularly well-suited to settings where variables are highly correlated and detectable effects are sparse. The fitting algorithm, a Bayesian analogue of stepwise selection methods called "Iterative Bayesian Stepwise Selection" (IBSS), is simple and fast, allowing the SuSiE model be fit to large data sets (thousands of samples and hundreds of thousands of variables).


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (shared library subset kit) (mips64r6el)

This is used to develop subsets of the libstdc++ shared libraries for use on custom installation floppies and in embedded systems.


Unix backend for Vty

This package provides Unix terminal support for Vty.