
vector optimized runtime tools

Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels is designed to help applications work with the processor's SIMD instruction sets. These are very powerful vector operations that can give signal processing a huge boost in performance.


game of trees repository server

Game of Trees (Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and simplicity over flexibility. Got uses Git repositories to store versioned data. Git can be used for any functionality which has not yet been implemented in Got. It will always remain possible to work with both Got and Git on the same repository.


Texas Instruments calculators charsets library

The libticonv is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators charsets. All charsets for all calculators are supported; the library is also able to convert from/to UTF-8/UTF-16.


powerful tool for working with messy data

OpenRefine is a power tool for working with messy data. Use it to improve data consistency, link it to data registries like Wikidata, augment it with data from other sources, transform it into different formats for other tools to consume, and contribute it back to the original sources. OpenRefine is not a web service but a desktop app that runs on your own computer, so you can process sensitive data with privacy.


Wayland desktop widgets from standard input text

Wayout takes text from standard input and outputs it to a desktop-widget on Wayland desktops. Periodic updates are supported; e.g. newline separated input or any other delimiter of choice. This is called a *feed*. The desktop widget can be shown either on top (OSD-like functionality) or below other windows.


Universal Non-Uniform RAndom Number generator

This is a collection of algorithms for generating non-uniform pseudorandom variates as a library of C functions designed and implemented by the ARVAG (Automatic Random VAriate Generation) project group in Vienna.