
Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines

StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (library base package)

This empty package contains changelog and copyright files common to all libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


Qt 6 WebSockets QML module

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


visual servoing platform dnn-tracker library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) deep neural network tracker (dnn-tracker) runtime library.