
High-quality Mersenne Twister random numbers for Node.js

A Node.js module for generating high-quality Mersenne Twister random numbers.


Support for downloading application assets from the network.

Framework for idownloading and sharing additional application data.


bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library

SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR and SPIR-V.


Project to create a replacement for RCT2's sound effects file

A free collection of alternative sound effects from RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 for use in OpenRCT2.


gnuradio core runtime

Top level component library. Defines core blocks. Handles settings for logging, performance counters, and control port. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio pmt container library

Polymorphic Types are opaque data types that are designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed around between blocks and threads in GNU Radio. Part of the main gnuradio build.