
JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry

This package contains JSON support files from the JSON Schema Specifications (metaschemas, vocabularies, etc.), packaged for runtime access from Python as a referencing-based Schema Registry.


library used for building software at

skalibs is a package centralizing the free software / open source C development files used for building all software at it contains essentially general-purpose libraries. You will need to install skalibs if you plan to build software. The point is that you won't have to download and compile big libraries, and care about portability issues, every time you need to build a package: do it only once.


utilities to work on AST of the Jane Street OCaml compiler (runtime)

This library can be used to work with Abstract Syntax Trees corresponding to the augmented parse tree recognized by the Jane Street OCaml compiler.


Node.js HTTP/1.1 client

undici provides the Node.js core HTTP client, using WebAssembly to achieve performance and pluggability. It brings features like: - redirect support - native mocking layer using MockAgent - Client, Pool, Agent are unified by a Dispatcher API


Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


OCI registry cli tool managing content like artifacts, images, packages

ORAS works similarly to tools you may already be familiar with, such as docker. It allows you to push (upload) and pull (download) things to and from an OCI Registry, and also handles login (authentication) and token flow (authorization). What ORAS does differently is shift the focus from container images to other types of artifacts.